Georgia daycare worker alleged of body slamming toddler for not napping

Picture Credit- Jonee Hamilton, 20, Cobb County, GA – Cobb County Sheriff’s Department

A Georgia daycare worker is being accused of body-slamming a 1-year-old-toddler for not wanting to take a nap.

The owners of a daycare hired 20-year-old Jonee Hamilton a few months ago and fired her promptly after discovering an alleged attack on the 16-month-old girl at Oxford Babies, Inc in Smyrna, GA.

Local authorities are investigating another possible second attack that happened on the same day on Nov. 28, according to WALB-TV.

The Smyrna Police Department said they are reviewing the daycare’s entire case of videos to investigate all allegations that have been made against Hamilton.

According to the arrest warrant, “in addition to the body slam, Hamilton grabbed the back of the child’s head and with force, pushed the child’s face into a mat.”

The toddler was sent to the doctor, but they didn’t see signs of a concussion or any broken bones.

Hamilton is being held without bond in the County Jail and charged with felony charges of aggravated assault and cruelty to children.